+211923205711/+211911445114 selfhelp.SHWDO2020@gmail.com
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About Us

Our Objectives:

• To promote Gender Equality & Social-Inclusion • To promote a Sexual & Gender Based Violence Free Society • To promote Self Reliance through women economic empowerment • To promote Alternative Adult Learning Programs for women and girls • To promote Women and Young Women Leadership through capacity building, mentorship, coaching and availing learning platforms/opportunities. • To preserve the environment through building capacities of women and girls to produce energy saving stoves that reduce on carbon emissions.

Our Core Values

• Stewardship
• Transparency & Accountability
• Gender inclusivity
• Partnership for purpose
• Respect for Human Rights

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What We Do

Learn More about SHWDO

Our Vision:

“Empowered Women, with Equal Responsibility and Participation in Socio-Economic Development”

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Our Mission:

“Empower Women to be Agents of Change in Promoting Socio-Economic Development & Peaceful Co-existence in the Society”

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SHWDO Specialisation:

700 Trained, who in turn reach 81,000 direct beneficiaries with awareness messages on women’s rights
2100 Men reached with Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Messages
6500 Community members reached with intensive awareness programmes in the thematic areas
300 Community members trained in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

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Team Members

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