+211923205711/+211911445114 selfhelp.SHWDO2020@gmail.com
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About Us

Brief Profile of works and professionalism of SHWDO:

Self Help Women Development Organization (SHWDO) is a Women’s Rights Organization initiated in 2009. SHWDO) is a legally registered national NGO with Relief & Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) and the registration number is 1045.

It has its head office in Yambio, the State Capital of Western Equatoria with functional field offices in Juba (Central Equatoria State), Torit (Easter Equatoria) and Wau (Western Bhar El Ghazal State). The organization is governed by the elected board of directors who guide the strategic direction of the Organization.

The management is headed by the Executive Director who implements the operational policies of the Organization. Above the board is the General Assembly who serves as a supreme making body.

SHWDO is committed to the promise of ensuring gender equality is a reality in the lives of women and girls across all multi-sectors and levels of decision making in South Sudan. Women empowerment is at the core centre of our interventions and programs aimed at equipping women and girls with smart skills that generate quick results in terms of income generation.

In addition, advocacy and lobbying with government, donors and communities on issues that affect women and girls is very pivotal in our work and we avail ourselves for every opportunities of advocacy on policy changes and legal analysis that is aimed at creating a protective framework and conducive environment for women and girls in our communities.

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Feature Causes

Every Women Deserves The Opportunity To Learn

SHWDO Specialisation:

700 Trained, who in turn reach 81,000 direct beneficiaries with awareness messages on women’s rights
2100 Men reached with Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Messages
6500 Community members reached with intensive awareness programmes in the thematic areas
300 Community members trained in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

Areas of Operation:
Our areas of operation include;

- Western Equatoria State (Yambio, Nzara, Ibba, Ezo and Tambura counties)
- Central Equatoria State (Juba, and Yei)
- Western Bhar El Ghazal (Wau)
- And Eastern Equatoria State (Torit)

Our Partners
Our Partners

- Civil Society Facility
- Mott MacDonald
- Caritas Austria
- Democracy International
- Conciliation Resources
- YWCA South Sudan

What We Do

Some of Services

Child Education

We have supported many children in our community in deferent schools and villages through supporting them with school fees and other equipments, sensitizing them on HIV/AIDS, drug, early sex and early pregnancy, early working and training them to grow in a good manner.

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Women empowerment

Women's empowerment may be defined in several ways, including accepting women's viewpoints, making an effort to seek them and raising the status of women through education, awareness, literacy, and training

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Women's rights

These include the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn an equal wage.

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